What’s it like to work with Kinetic Story? Simple. Fun. Successful.


We develop every project around three simple words: Think, Feel, Do.

What do you want your audience to think? What do they think today?

We immerse ourselves in your business through research and interviews to extract and synthesize the distributed knowledge across your organization, industry and audience.

What should your audience feel? What will engage or inspire them?

We distill the story to its core essentials and craft an approach that uses the right mix of logic and emotional triggers to engage the audience and inspire action.

What should your audience do? What will put them in motion?

We execute flawlessly. Through our relationships with experienced producers and multi-national agencies, we deliver incredible work with measurable results.


What makes our projects fun? It starts with great clients and ends with award-winning creative. Along the way we develop open and collaborative relationships. That means ideas are exchanged freely, problems are identified and resolved early, work stays on schedule & on target, and the results are something we can all be proud of.


Our think-feel-do process results in audience actions that can be measured. We constantly judge our success through both qualitative and quantitative analysis and have a long track record of changing audience awareness, belief, intent and action.

Take a Look for Yourself

Check out our project portfolio to see examples of our recent work
Then get in touch to see how we can make your next project kinetic.